Welcome back! Unfortunately there haven't been enough of your recent P2 pages proofed by P3 for your application for P3 access to be processed.
At the moment, none of your P2 pages (past 120 days) have been proofed by P3; the evaluator needs to be able to review at least 50 across 3 different projects. See the P3 qualification page on the wiki at
http://www.pgdp.net/wiki/P3_qualification for more information.
I am going to cancel this application and ask that you reapply when you see that enough work has been through P3 and you have checked your diffs (info:
http://www.pgdp.net/wiki/Checking_your_diffs ).
The best way to speed your P2 pages through P3 is to proof some pages in some of the P3 qual texts, now appearing in P2, as these jump straight into P3 without waiting in the queue. Also, these are the only projects guaranteed not to skip P3 and we can only use projects that haven't skipped for the evaluations.
The Quals are a limited resource, however, so please do not proof only there. If you want more mentor-type help, you can always use the DP Feedback service.
Do give the Proofing Guidelines (revised June 2009) a thorough read and be sure to ask in the forums if anything is unclear to you.
Please let me know if you have any questions.