Ok, some really weird shit happened to me Saturday night....

Oct 10, 2006 02:56

And this happened downtown after I went to Satori at The Blank Club. I was walking from The Blank Club to the light rail by HP Pavilion to go home. I look on the schedule to see when the next Winchester light rail was coming and... I miss the last one and the Santa Teresa light rail was still going. So I walked from the San Fernando LR stop all the way to other side of downtown to the Convention Center stop. It sucked but wait, this part gets more interesting. I make it to the other side of downtown and I see the Convention Center stop. Just before I cross the street, there's these two guys in a SUV checking me out saying "Hey, you're hot. Wanna ride?" I'm like "Uhhhhhh what?" and these guys were fucking preppy high school kids, lol. Ok, so I wait for the light rail and the light rail didn't show up til 1:30 in the morning. Right before I get on the light rail, this random guy driving by the light rail outta nowhere rolls down his window and starts yelling "I'M HORRRRNY!!!" I turned around and I'm like "Did that dude just say he was horny?" to this woman who I was talking to at the stop before the light rail showed up. We were both laughing our asses off. It was great! Anyway, I get on the light rail, got off at Ohlone-Chynoweth and went home with my dad. I didn't get home til 2:00 AM. Then the rest of the night I just checked some shit on the computer and went to bed at 4:30 AM. Well, that was my pretty crazy night, haha. Talk to you later. :P


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