I demand release from hypocrisy

Jul 23, 2008 10:30

Oy oy!

It's Wednesday. And looovely and warm! Bit sad to be stuck in the office with dodgy aircon to be honest. But still, there's nice chilled water on tap and the coffee in the machine has definately improved. Maybe it just needed some time to bed in or something.

Getting veery excited about the next WoW expansion, Wrath of the Lich King. I hit lv60 on Jessalynn the other night, which I'm dead proud of as I made it in a little over 8 days /played. And thats with no 'power levelling' or hardcore xp-grinding, too! I've done allsorts of side-y things, from the Midsummer Fire Festival stuff to lots of low-level quests with Darnassus to get myself a Striped Nightsaber. I've even bothered with the 'old-world' instances like Dire Maul and Lower/Upper Blackrock Spire. I even bothered to get attuned to Molten Core, ffs (gonna try and organise a raid there when I'm 70 XD)! Mining/Blacksmithing is by no means a cheap tradeskill pair, in either time or gold spent. But one day, I'll get to make this! It's been a lot of fun getting to 60, and I've really enjoyed the company of my guild so far too, the Yingyang Eagles. There's zero drama, everyone just natters away and helps each other out!
Happy to hear today that they're gonna drop the xp required to get from 60-70 by around 30% too. That's only in the beta at the moment, so it might not even affect me by the time I get to 70 - but it'll certainly help for my Pally alt I intend to slowly nurture.

Cool things I am looking forward to in Wrath:
  • 'Legacy' items - essentially soulbound items that can be transferred between your own characters. There is also talk of making Badges of Justice (Blizzard's pseudo- DKP system for endgame content) 'Legacy'. Not that I've ever even got any yet, but if/when I do, it would be nice to know I could kit out alts with stuff earned by my main character.
  • Mounts/vanity pets won't be items anymore - they'll be learned as spells. Free up a few slots in the bank!
  • Warriors will generally be more versatile, won't necessarily need to be prot-spec to tank a 5-man instance. This is mostly cool because there will be a final-tier Fury talent to allow 1H wielding of 2H weapons! 8D
  • Death Knights look -awesome- and if the starting areas of the Dren and Belfs are anything to go by, will have really great introductions to the world. Now all I need to do is pick what race I want to be. I'm currently thinking something horde-side so I can start up on another server with say, icemem or vivichan, for example!
  • Siege weapons and mounts with passenger seats sound like looooads of fun!
Workwise I'm pretty down at the moment. Feeling underused, undervalued and undermanaged to a fault. I got asked by my own manager why I wasn't just sitting on my hands the other day, it was kind of pissy. Meh. Increasingly looking like I'll just knock it on the head at the end of the year, rather than taking a Sabbatical. This job could have been all kinds of awesome, and bits of it have - just that there's some real leadership issues that have got in the way. Boo to politics! :)

We're going camping in August! We've booked a plot at a lovely little family-run site near Bude, I can't wait. Vague plans include lots of bodyboarding/swimming in the sea, Eden project, Fish and chips and going to Padstowe to eat at one of Rick Stein's restaurants. I can't waaaait to get the tent up! :D
Also flying up to Newcastle at the end of September to visit my bezzer mate, Swifty. Looking forward to seeing him, his missus and his dog Snowy who is awesome.

Now I have drunk too much coffee, and sat still for too long. It is time for a wee.
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