THE TAVERN OF GAD, (or, Mark Chapter 5)

Nov 12, 2011 00:47

Yeshua and the Boys went to check out Gad, having heard of a rousing tavern catering to magi. While shoring the boats a large man clambered from a distance, flailing at them with arms loose in their sockets. He was clearly excited for the new bodies making beach. Amongst the splashing, someone noted the broken irons at his feet and wrists, another laughed at clearly whacked eyes widening wider as he approached. He drug one long twisted toe below each foot as he shuffled mumbling towards them. James pointed up toward the tombs from where he came. The hulk was sweaty and slobbering, not just in his mouth and nose but his eyes and even his ears seemed to flow with a kind of waxen honey; it flecked off in large foamy liquid chunks as he threw himself at the feet of Yeshua. "Son of the Most High," he pulled and tossed dry roots and dirt before him, groveling and wheezing and farting. "Tell me what you want!" He cooed in one moment as a woman-bird, as a horse caller the next: "Don't torture me with suspense!"

"Come out of there." Yeshua looked down into the eyes of the corporation before him, reaching with one hand and then two to grace the giant's skull, which he then twisted wrongly in a tender but firm headlock. Almost two Peters of flesh in embrace, He spoke softly: "come out." The man frothed and glared but could not meet Yeshua's eyes. "What is your name?" The huge man was a wounded dog in His hands; it heaved, tongue wagged and dripped but could not speak. Villagers ran down the embankment exclaiming dire warnings all too late: "He's crazy! No one can control him! He is a Beast!" The anointed One held him in his eyes against his heartbeat until his huff slowed and his jowls no longer dripped. Finally, the many voices of a child-choir rang out with a sad gray whimper "We are the Legion. We are many." And they all grovelled there, as if for sympathy.

"Well, you've got to go. All of you." The Christ released the man's head, but not his gaze. "You cannot stay here anymore."

Dis-similarity in like identities platform aginst and plateau within and by a plot-able set of finite variables, directing the result as a prediction of the equation's direct, indirect, directed, and combustable-mutant actuals- repeating finite staggered cycles in self-fufillment of the system's needs, until the message becomes recombinant enough to self-actualise and gain perspective on it's own lack thereof to seek re-union with its disowned self-separation.

"Oink," said the Son of Gad. "Oink," Yeshua replied.

Programmed Disorientation within a structured environment dependent on Freemarket Logic is a simple method by which emphasis on non-combinant identity-ingenuity amongst isolated nonclasses can be implored, both within a a variable knowledge set and with a limited set of actual resources to draw upon- though there is always a tendency for violence when flesh is the commodity in service.

And the giant man fell back upon the ground and flailed and made even more foam. Flatulence erupted from every angle, and he bucked at his hips to flop about as a dying fish. With a gasp like an orgasm and a squeal, a chicken cluck and a dragon's whoop, he rolled upon his belly to cry. And weeping before Yeshua, the fettered man vomitted away all his unclean spirits. Nearby a group of pigs raised a great ruckus, broke herd and dashed squealing into the sea. It was twenty head of hog that swam to their deaths, but by time the chain of villagers reported history is was two thousand.

It is preferable for those opposed to violence and aware enough to be un-prone to reaction despite such efforts to adjust their identity-disorientation to remain luminous and self-reflective, intellectual in nature if possible, and non-committal to the point of being actionary. Not simply a response to unattended or manipulative tertiary input, the case environment is (a state of being) (and must remain) the logic; it cannot ever contain the logic.

Yeshua had the man brought new robes, and his shackles removed and feet and hands washed, and he fed the man. He was answering questions and comforting him when well-oiled elders from the village came. They were very afraid to find him sitting and talking and laughing by campfire, bathed; only by his size could the elders note him from any but the Anointed One. Only by their expensive oils could the Boys tell these men from any others. It was not very long before they approached the fire and with heavy voices began to demand the Yeshua to leave.

"Fine," said He, for the third time today refusing to say the words "I don't have time for this," and he and the Boys prepared their boats for water. The new man pleaded to join Yeshua, but He smiled and told the man to return to his family and speak of the blessing he received, which he did.

The ability for human thought-clusters to jump amongst dissimilar mindgroups is the desired action sought to uncontrol, and it is the unpredictable nature of such a response that maintains our vision and directs our attempts to maintain a discourse and not redirect it into a response of control.

Some time later Yeshua had the thought of visiting the Tavern of Gad again, but when He landed near the same shore he found a great many torch-bearers awaiting his return. One of the Synagogue leaders named Jairus broke through the sycophants and fell at His feet, again with the tossing of grass and roots, and plead "my little daughter is dying. Please come and lay your hands upon her so she might live!"

Yeshua shrugged, and with the man he walked towards the village. The crowds thronged and cooed and guffawed as they do, and before long the bored and longing joined the enthralled and a great mass swelled in the streets. A woman whose menstrual blood had not stopped in twelve years had the thought to touch the Anointed One and when she did so became enraptured and ran screaming away. Yeshua asked who had touched him, feeling her Faith manifest Power, and spun around to seek the source of the wailing. Jairus explained the woman's plight, unaware of her touch but seeing her well-known veil in flight, and one of the disciples commented heartily "with all of these people, why ask?" Yeshua smiled, still scanning the crowd for who touched him.

It is one great thing to be able to point conjecture towards the direction of situational outcome, it is another to learn its value as a matter of purpose and not consequence; to be aware of a thought-system while amidst it allows the observed observer to find unity with the Self in (and as a mode of) logic, but to employ such probabilities in the manufacture and design of constructive time/space manipulation is the mechanic by which definitive affirmation and actualization of possibilities become greater than the will necessary to deconstruct them.

After a turn of the street the healed woman, still trembling but come to her senses, found herself returned to Yeshua's footfalls. Breathless she told Him what she had done. "Daughter," He said to her with a finger under chin to raise her eyes into His, "it is your Faith that has healed you. Go in peace and be free from suffering."

Stern-looking men approached the Boys as the woman fled, announcing like Truth that his daughter was "dead. Why bother this Rabbi any further?" Yeshua waved the men away like flies and said to Jairus: "Do not be afraid. Just believe." Only bringing Peter and the brothers John and James, he left the crowd and its hubbub in the street.

Consequence can never be a mistake; every bundle of like-identity is self-similar as a response to an actual thread, of consequence or not, relevant or corrupt. Sometimes, often, it is a hard and uncomfortable thing to realize, much less actualize and command. Nonetheless, it is always possible.

Inside Jairus' home there was much weeping but when Yeshua entered he bellowed a hearty laugh that could be heard even over the horns in the street. "Why all this commotion and wailing over a sleeping girl?" Slowly, all in the room heard the words he had said, and began to sob their tears slower until anger bursted forth at the stranger. The boys settled them by putting them in the street, and entered the girl's room alone but for her parents and the three Boys.

Progress must never be limited to Causality, even if it is simpler to do so.

Kneeling next to her, Yeshua took her hand into his and whispered: "Wake up, little girl." And so she did. Climbing immediately from her bed she ran to her parent's arms. "Tell no one of this," the Anointed One addressed the happy three, "and I will not speak of that woman in the street." And He also told them the girl needed to eat. Leaving through the rear, James asked again about the famed tavern but Jairus, being a religious man, offered no help.

"Well let us find some bacon, then!" Yeshua laughed.
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