Feb 26, 2006 17:11
Hey all... its been a lil bit... not too much new and exciting to share really. But I did get a new phone, we went with Sprint since T-Mobile screwed me hardcore. So for those of ya who want the #, drop me an email and I'll give it to ya there. Never know if it'll fall into the wrong hands lol.
We've been doing a lot of thinking and such and are contemplating movin back to NY. Upstate area... since LI is wayyyy too expensive. We'll see I guess. One of my friends from when I was 3 til I was about 23 found me on myspace and dropped me an email sayin I looked happy and that maybe we could salvage something of our friendship. We'll see on that one too... Ah, I'm just not enthused lol. But anyways, drop me an email if ya want the new #. I'm gonna get back to my race. Lata...