Mar 12, 2004 15:05
Today while I was perusing the Live Journal site I made an astounding revelation. Most of the members that make up the demographics of this site are either Gaymers or Goths. And I noticed that most of these goth-wastes post really weird satanic paraphanilia on their journals like it will give them an element of being anything other than human bidets. The male goths all look like rickety faggots with skunk striped hair and faces only a horny silverback gorilla would settle for, and the goth bitches are keen on calling themselves losers and are equally disturbing in appearance. Although I am glad that when this happens I have my work relativly cut out for me, I find it comical that they all talk about killing themselves. I guess this is why I have encountered so many death wishes on this thing. But I'm willing to bet a wooden nickel that you put these woebegone phlebians in the same room with Anton Levey and they would all piss their pants, hide behind their plastic, patterned sofas, and warble a hymn or two--now keep in mind that Anton Levey wrote a rendition of the satanic bible and is about as frightning as a dead tulip. but these Goth tards listen to Marylin Manson so that would explain a whole lot of the dementia involved in dressing up like the Crow and painting their faces like Wringling Brothers freak show mimes. But the funny thing about it is they wonder why people look at them weird. If any Gothtards read this....take my advice, stop painting your face white to reflect the lack of red bloodcells to keep your brains alive, your actions already prove that theory--just wear a paper bag over your head, and we'll all live comfortably