"Works for me..."

Dec 19, 2009 04:31

Not to be naming names, but the name of a person, who's wren08 -sounding name I won't mention,,   decided to 'name' the new drink..  (Drink may have been created before.  I'm too lazy to look it up right now.. (5 min) Okay, I looked it up..)
The bird's word clamped it's talons into my horrible attempts to name a 'stand alone drink'..  Good thing, too. We thought of and agreed,  that Gin and Grand Marnier is worth the risk of combining alone. If not, with some lime/lemon..   No matter.  It works!  With or without extras. And, I hate gin..  
  She says it is like Fruit Cake.   Indeed, but higher on the alcohol percentage than cake, yes?   (Not 'till I make it.. Heh, heh.) 
Well, there are several cocktails with use of gin and GM,   such as Dark Whiskers,  A Bartender, La Guera, English Breakfast Cocktail,  a Red Li-    oh..  The Red Lion..  
Red Lion is as I described.   Gin, Grand Marnier, and lemon,,  but with orange juice..     Does that not seem a little redundant? "Hey. Barkeep!  Gimme a highball of some Triple Sec, Grand Marnier, Curacao, Prunier,,,   and a splash of orange juice."    I'll add a Mandarin to their head, happily...
The W'ren is w'right....
Gin + Orange liqueur (w/ maybe a splash of citrus) is hereby christened  the/an      *Orange Tank *.

"Al's alive..   And, he's coming home."
   The final Quantum Leap!    NBC Tuesday                                   5/4/93
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