My wishlist :)

Nov 12, 2011 17:25

I'm so excited to see the comm re-opened, I look forward to trying to help other people out with wishes this year! I have a few of my own :)

I go by Lynn, btw, I'm 24 and I'm from the US :)

1. Big-ticket item: My biggest wish ever? for someone to draw a characterization of my username :) I really want someone with drawing skill to take on putting this username into character because I canNOT draw. If you have the time and want to take on the challenge, I would love it so much ♥

2. Big-ticket item: Nena memorabilia. I really would love to have more Nena things, but it's hard to find stuff on the web (even on eBay). If any European fans or friends would be willing to help me out (it doesn't have to be anything major), that'd be awesome.

3. Big-ticket item: a paid LJ account. :/ I just want more user pics...


3. Forgiveness. I've done some wrong in the past year, and although it isn't all my fault, I want those who I've wronged to know I'm sorry and that I've moved on if they are willing to move on as well. ♥

4. I collect foreign coins. If you have some change, can I has for my collection? I'm definitely not asking anyone to send me a LOT of money, just coins :)

5. New music :) While TH is out of the picture making new albums, and most of my artists are on tour and not making new music, I'm trying to find new bands to discover. Anyone want to make me a mix"tape"?

6. LJ-friends. I tried this last year and met a lot of people, but a lot of them I never got to know and we ultimately de-friended each other. If you'd like to be my friend, can you tell me a bit about yourself and I will do the same?

7. Last, but not least, I want everyone to have a great holiday season. I am going to try my best to make someone happy by getting them something on their list, but if I can't, I want my wishes to go out to those people ♥

(I'm editing this post because I thought of something last minute. I really love Danish butter cookies that they sell around Christmas time. But I've always wondered if legit, actual from Denmark, Danish cookies tasted like?)
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