Hey y'all! :D

Nov 10, 2010 12:18

 My name is Leah and I live in Hawaii. This is my first time participating and I'm super excited! :D

I wish for

1. People to donate to THF. I hear it's an expensive site to run so please donate what you can. I really cherish that site and how it brings so many of us together and I'm sure plenty of you all do too.

2. Trinkets/cards.  I'd really love to have a little inexpensive trinket  that says something about your country/city. A nice holiday card would be just as lovely. I love languages so feel free to have the card/whatever be in your mother tongue. Snail mail is so fun! :D

3. More Fandom friends.  I really want to be more active in fandom, especially in LJ, and get to know you guys better! I know a lot of you from twitter (I use the same username) and I'd love to talk here too! :D

4.Someone to help me with LJ! xD I would really appreciate a sweet and simple TH themed layout. I'd really really aprieciate it!! Everytime I tried doing it myself I got so frazzled xD

5. More love for ToHoAnonyLove! Tell someone in fandom you care about them! There can never be too much love

6.The band to have a great holiday. Wherever they are spending it I hope it's full of joy and happiness

7. Band message. It would be so nice to have a little holiday greeting from the boys.

8.Charity. It is the season of giving so I hope everyone will take a bit of time to do what they can for someone less fortunate.

Mele Kalikimaka and happy holidays!

country: usa, username: f

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