Title: Jinki and Kibum
Pairing: Jinki/Kibum; Jongkey
Summary: What you see might not be the real Jinki and Kibum.
A/N: Dedicated to Halyn (
lynlovesmin ). ♥ It is what you really want, am I right?
Jonghyun and Key were in a friendly match of tug-o-war, which ended up with Key on top of Jonghyun. They were laughing, rolling about; they couldn't stop. The main host of the variety show had to come to get the two boys to stop. Finally, they got up and apologized. They were about to walk back to their seats, when Jonghyun realized that they forgot something. He ran back, grabbed Key and lowered him ninety degrees. Their lips touched, just really softly; you can't consider that a real kiss. The other guests and viewers gasped -- though fake and rehearsed -- and then burst into laughter. Jonghyun and Key caught a hold of themselves and returned to their seats, not before Jonghyun exclaimed that he was number one in skinship.
They seemed happy.
Behind everything, (if you looked really hard) you could see Onew sitting there. He was another guest star there, but not much attention is on him. Not when Jonghyun and Key are there, anyway. Onew saw Jonghyun kissing Key; he sighed. It wasn't that he minded, it was just... It just didn't feel right.
Back at their dorms, their manager was out drinking with other hyungs. It was one of the few times they got back before 10PM.
Jinki was on his bed; yellow sheets -- they almost matched the colour of the wall. He was reading, which was something he hasn't done for a while.
"Jinki?" The boy at the door was Kibum. At first, Jinki thought that it was rude for him to enter without knocking, but then he realized that it was his room, too.
"Kibum? I was about to scold you but I remembered that -- Nevermind." It was too difficult to explain how Jinki stuttered in front of Kibum. How he would only stare and try to speak, without any proper words coming out. He never felt like that in front of Key; only Kibum.
"Huh? Jinki, were you trying to tell me something?" It was strange how Kibum would laugh at Jinki's fail. It wasn't as if he was any better in front of Jinki. He, too, felt the same way.
"Nope. Is there anything you want?" Jinki asked, trying to figure out why Kibum was standing at the door in the first place.
"Actually, it's nothing. I just wanted to spend time with --" He desperately looked around for something that wasn't Jinki. The bed, the bookshelf, the photoframes. "I wanted to spend time with --" The pillows? That answer is ridiculous, and Jinki obviously ain't that dumb.
"I just wanted to spend time with you, hyung. We -- we haven't really been free enough to chat properly for a long time." He paused. "As Jinki as Kibum."
"As Jinki and Kibum?" He pondered about that for a few seconds, before realizing what Kibum meant.
"Yeah, as ourselves. Not Onew and Key, but Jinki and Kibum." Kibum said as he placed his right hand on the older boy's red cheeks. He was blushing, no doubt.
Jinki smiled. It was, indeed, a long time since they were themselves. They seemed so absorbed in the world of Onew and Key, that they almost forgot about their real selves.
And who they really loved.
The next day, Jonghyun and Key were together again, leaving Onew behind in his little awkward corner.
Jonghyun and Key would do all sorts of things -- catching, pranking and even kissing -- that would make a typical boyfriend jealous. But this time, Onew didn't mind. He knew it was all a pretend-play. He knew that they have found their real selves.
He knew that they have found Jinki and Kibum.
I'm sorry for the abrupt ending. I couldn't continue writing without crying.
Oh wells. At least they are happy. (: