Title: Forever or Never [one-shot]
Pairing: Jinki/Kibum (Onkey)
Summary: Jinki asks Kibum if he will love him forever.
Dedication: I suppose all my Onkey fanfics are dedicated to darling Halyn (
lynlovesmin) . ♥
"Will you love me forever?"
Kibum never answered that question. He always found ways to escape from it. I need to go to the bathroom. Let's sleep. I'm too tired. He never ran out of excuses and Jinki was sick of them.
Tonight, Jinki demanded an answer.
"Kibum, look at me." Jinki placed two fingers on Kibum's chin and lifted his head up. Still, the younger boy's gaze remains fixed on the ground.
No answer.
"Kibum, let me ask you again. Will you love me forever?"
"What did you say?" Jinki prayed that he heard him wrongly.
"No, Jinki. My answer is no. I'm sorry."
My answer is no. Jinki heard right. Kibum is such a young boy; how could he expect him to hand over a lifetime of opportunities?
"It's okay." Jinki stood up and walked out of the room.
For Jinki, it was forever or never.