Title: No One Knew
Pairing: YamaJima
Genre: Fluff / Angst / Gore / M-Preg / AU
Word Count: 513 words
Warning: Major Gore and M-preg
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Summary: No one knew the truth.
A/N: Dedicated to
keannegirl01 , because both of us have this crazy liking for gore :3 And anyway, it has been a long time since I wrote angst and gore :D
However, no one knew the truth. )
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because I was all angst, and I was actually going to write YabuNoo angst, but ended up I wanted to write gore, and this came out ;A;
Thanks for reading and commenting ;A;
(go read the previous post, 16. Wallpaper~ That's fluff, I swear :x)
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Because I promised her an angst fic, since she inspired me to write gore ... with her hikanoo gore xD
go on~
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