Title: The Night That Tom Was Saved
Author: ???
Pairing(s): Tom/Georg
Rating: PG-13 (hurt/comfort)
Warnings: some use of homophobic language; swearing
Disclaimer: None of this happened, none of it is real. You didn't see anything. *does Madagascar Penguin wave*
Summary: Tom driving plus anger plus a lot of snow is not a good mix. Luckily,
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I am flailing around - and have been since I read it the first time - because everything about this story is like all the good stuff shoved into one awesome chapter. Congratulations, you are a fantastic writer - you have all the things in here that I love. Action (oh, that poor Caddy baby), a lot drama, heavy on the angst (I would hug Tom, but I think he's more interested in hugging someone else) and a nice dose of innuendo and promise of more. :D
*snuggles you* You did well, my epic Canadian bear. Have some chocolate.
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