I honestly can't believe that this journal is still here, or any of my
sixwordstories threads! I miss all of you amazing Whovian writers! I doubt anyone will ever see this, but there's always a chance some of you will look back like I have? I've still been playing the Doctor on and off, but he's completely changed into... well the man he swore he would never become. Funny how things turn out. He ran and ran from a future that wasn't chasing him, and eventually he trapped himself. He's now a dark!Doctor that adopted Theta's name when he was no longer worthy of his.
If anyone is ever interested in writing with him again:
thxta@tumblrthxta@dreamwidth No matter when it is, a month from now or seven years! Simply message me with your old LJ username ;)
Metacrisis', Jack's, Master's & other Doctor's! Get back over here!