The Dark Side of a Time Lord's Mind

Jun 30, 2012 20:20

The only way most Time Lords can cope with their near infinite power is to be so narrow-minded and dull-witted that they never realize the power they have.  The Doctor claims that after living in the Capitol for a few thousand years a Time Lord completely loses their personality.  Indeed, in order to keep the Web of Time stable it is necessary for the Time Lords to be steady and unchanging.  It is for this reason that culture change and natural reproduction are forbidden to ensure stability.

Time Lords are forbidden to fall in love or developing other strong affections for lesser species.  It’s possible that Time Lord bio data actually changes and mutates the bio data of lesser species who interact with them.

All Time Lords take their responsibility to Time very seriously and know that if there was any danger that they would be used by an alien force to threaten Time then the other Time Lords would shut down the victim's personal timeline and place it in the Axis. For this reason every Time Lord that leaves Gallifrey knows they are considered to be expendable. Because of this, only the most eccentric or arrogant Time Lords will voluntarily leave their home world.

Time Lords who travel the cosmos regularly are encouraged to take a companion from among the lesser species to serve as something of a moral conscience.  A visionary Time Lord is rare and a stable visionary Time Lord is even rarer.

Time Lord dementia's are much worse then Alzheimer's Disease.  All Time Lords have a dark side to their minds called the Dark Design.  When a Time Lord goes mad a storm of the Dark Design covers their brains.  Insane Time Lords are usually quietly locked away in institutions like the Quantum of Solace.  It is not unusual for inventive Time Lords to go mad and indeed all the truly great Time Lords went mad: (Omega, Rassilon, Borusa, the Master, Morbius. . . etc). Any Time Lord who has access to the power of the heart of the Vortex would become a vengeful god.

They cease being Time Lords when they have used up all 12 of their regenerations.  Retired Time Lords are not permitted to own TARDIS' but possibly have the option of living off Gallifrey if they choose.  Old Time Lords often get their tenses muddled.  Because the minds (or souls) Time Lords are stored in the APC after death they don't fear death.  For this reason Time Lords are expected to face death with dignity.  Their bodies are sometimes interned in the Panoptican Vault 30 meters beneath the Panoptican.

Time Lord corpses are telepathically active due to residual psychic power.  If a Time Lord dies within his TARDIS while in his final incarnation his body will fade away as the TARDIS stores his essence.  The Artron Energy released into the Vortex by the death of a Time Lord would be enough to drag Earth's moon out of orbit and crash into the planet.

time lords, character info

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