Mar 02, 2004 16:06
That should be on the mood list I think....
I've been in a very emotional state lately and can't really seem to figure out why. Being stuck in the freezer for hours on end, pulling urine samples has never really been good for my mental health --- too much time to my brain I think, but seriously I think this funk goes a little beyond that...
I have 4 minute before I need to jet over to class --- blah! I love sign language and I don't even want to go today. What's with me???
Last night I got all crazy teary about graduate school --- Don't these people realize that after you send off all this info and an essay and money that you'd like to hear SOMETHING ---- ANYTHING in a timely manner. It's gut wrenching.....what if I don't get in??? I can't stay at this job for another year, not with Diana graduating, I just can't....but Omaha doesn't have a whole lot more to offer. But if I don't go to grad school then I should stay here and maintain my relationship with Greg --- moving will have to happen eventually, if it's not now, why push it. ARGH!
That's only a 10th of what my brain meditated on all afternoon while I was in the freezer....As a psychology person, I can conclusively say, I think I'm going completely NUTZ!
Okay, class time.
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