Sep 04, 2002 22:57
So I'm there -- I'm a real live adult, with a real live adult job with real live adult salary pay. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?! I missed the memo on growing up. So anyway, I'll start working with the monkeys or at least close to the monkeys tomorrow. Which means I should get to bed -- but one should always journal, right?
We also met a new boy tonight -- no fireworks, but he was nice and I will probably see him again. Poor thing has a cold, so maybe he's more exciting on a normal, healthy basis. This one was Eric (the computer programmer). Jason also made overatures about meeting today, so maybe I'll have another date to report on soon.
Wow, real live adult job and real live adult dating all in one day. I don't think we can handle all this pressure. :)
More news tomorrow....
PS If you want to learn more about us, and see some Costa Rica monkeys visit my new website at