May 26, 2006 11:58
day by day it becomes more and more apparent that I need to get on with my life. Go back to school, or pursue that music career I dream about at night.
but not sit here wasting away, making crappy ID's for kids that probably don't even care. or Diplomas that I could probaby make better at home.
making these things makes me feel like some kind of shady person. am I going to get in trouble for this? falsifiying Identification?
I grow tired of the constant e-mail, constant faxes and never ending stream of work that seems only to land on my desk. oh boy I get to do the test server? AGAIN? shit I can't hardly wait .... (doing the test server consists of printing every test, all pages, and every answer key to paper....hardcopy) it's all on a disc one single disc that could be given to each center to print up and use at their leisure... but no we'll waste someone's time by making them print out all of them even though only half of them will probably EVER get used by ungreatful little brats.
speaking of ungreatful...
my boss is so fucking ass backwards... this company... at least where I work is so twisted to shit that it's slowly driving me insane. Granted, I have my own way of doing things that works for me. and the way I see it as long as it gets from point A to point B what really matters with what happened in between.
we have one color printer in the whole office. right by my desk, well no shit that makes sense, I am the one that has to use it 97% of the time. to print the color ID photos, to print diplomas etc. it was set up a certain way, a certain way that I adapted to and have grown to prefer. Well my boss came out of her hiding place and printed some things the other day. unfortunately for her she dosen't grasp how a printer works ... it needs paper to print. there are 2 trays 1 for unusual paper/cardstock (the one I use) it has another for normal printer paper. it was set to only read off of the first tray (my tray) unless this check button is pressed and it will then print the next/queued print job from the normal use tray.
well clearly my boss dosen't understand what a print job is either. she was whining and bitching about having to push the button every time. I neglected to tell her she could just load some paper in the top tray (fold out tray thing easily opened and closed) or she could just close the top tray. Well of her own accord she decided to call some $100 an hour techs out to fix it. yea they fixed it alright... they disabled the tray I use so NOTHING would print from there at all.
sweet guys thanks.
I said well fuck that, I need to be able to work, so I went through the onboard printer options and got it back the way it was, (and now it will actually continue printing if there is enough paper there) it wouldn't before... but that may or may not have been a software issue. the program I have been told I must use sucks. it's gotta be 5 year old technology at least. it is really a shoddy program... if I had any grasp of programming I could probably write a much better one. anyhow. I fixed it to work the way I need it to work.
because sometimes people around the office decide they need a color picture of their kid printed and neglect to ask or tell me. this way I can see the print job before it starts and not risk printing over my work thus totally destryong sometimes hours of work. at least this way I can make a better attempt at avoiding that.
claerly though my boss views everything in this office as hers. (which in truth, isn't true, it's the CEO's) and she's definately not the CEO. I don't think she could hack that... she's too "my way or the highway," "I'm right you're wrong because I said so." Controlling I believe is the word, clearly she goes home and must have absolute and total control. well my tyranical communist friend when did you go from being a hippy to this?
there is so much more shit that is just done in a backwards fashion that makes little to no sense to most of the people here... I still wonder how half the things that get done here actually ever get done.
Every day it hits me more and more how badly I can't stay here, even how great the benefits are... I can't be here for much longer. I can't take the stupid ass bullshit that goes on.
I need to dive into MY career.... this is not a career it's a job, and a boring tedious one with little to no appreciation PERIOD.
three people have complained about my boss that I know of. Only one of them was even ever heard. That one happens to be best friends with my boss's Daughter. the othe two people who complained left, and found better jobs outside of the company, and were therefor labelled as "disgruntled" workers. So their reports were basically tossed out. sweet.
a lot of good it does to voice how you feel when it gets you no where anyways.