A friend and I started
pot-stew It's a marrying of visuals with words and if you visit....I promise we'll make you think.
The following is our recipe for Pot Stew. Follow it and you will soon realise how me messed up we all really are.
Recipe for Pot-Stew.
Tastes just like Granny's....
Serves 1. Share at your own risk.
If recipe for dinner party is required, leave a comment.
Step 1: Beat Computers into submission until they establish remote coital relationship.
Step 2: Make sure the Jainy and the Macbeth are sufficiently devoid of any worthy endeavour.
Step 3: Apply copious amounts of jam to curly hair in order to extract full flavor from the Jainy.
Step 4: Put the Macbeth through a grinder and bring to a coagulated pulp.
Step 5: Pick out cliche's, verbosity, lost references and bits-of-lame by hand.
Step 6: Strain the Macbeth and the Jainy before adding to a pot full of water.
Step 7: Hand pick visuals to retain traces of optimism.
Step 8: When the overpowering fragrance of hope takes over, throw in a dash of bleak.
Step 9: Throw in oral stimulation. It should be fresh and milky. Preferably underage too. This ensures the tinge of insidiousness remains sticky and pungent.
Step 10: Add rest of ingredients.
Step 11: Put the pot on the stove to simmer at 369 degrees celcius, well after the sun has gone down. Cook till the sun rises. Be warned that this pot stew, if cooked during light time will result in a poisonous, acerbic concoction that will
melt your insides.
Step 12: Ladle into bowl and serve piping hot. A scalded tongue is a good sign.
Please note: Ignore the rumblings, spluttering and rocking of the pot. The Macbeth is known to be a difficult cock to cook.
Be assured that eventually the Jainy's soft dulcet flavors will subdue the abrasive taste of lame, cliche and offbeat tangents that would otherwise be characteristic of any Macbeth dish.