May 23, 2006 21:41
Once you are tagged you MUST write an entry about 6 weird habits aswell as odd information about you. State this rule clearly. In the end,you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names.
1. The way I see it, there's no wrong way to eat a... Twix. First I scrape off the chocolate with my teeth and eat it separately, and then I eat the cookie part. Okay, the way I described that sounded sort of nasty, but it's not!
2. When I get mad, my sister says I sound British. (?!?) When I was little, I had a New York accent. And I've never even been there.
3. When I do gymnastics, I tape up my ankle for good luck, and (usually) not because I'm injured.
4. I only really care about something if I am passionate about it, or if I have strong opinions about it, or if it directly affects me. Otherwise, *shrug*.
5. My other "room" is on the roof. I go up there as often as I can. It's the best place to read, tan, or think things through.
6. I floss my teeth regularly. Is that weird?
I tag...
you and you and you and you.