Sep 15, 2009 18:32
So my classes have been kicking my butt recently. They are incredibly enjoyable, however they entail a lot of reading that I am having a difficult time keeping up with. I know I should have expected it when I decided to switch my major to English, but I guess I underestimated the amount of reading. Writing too! I've had a few papers already due and we are only a few weeks into classes. I don't remember if I mentioned it in a previous journal, but I was very nervous about my Fiction Writing class. I still am intimidated by the other students in there, but I am thoroughly enjoying using my creativity in a new way. Some of you may remember the story I used to post; I haven't forgotten about it. I am hoping to go back to it someday and finish it, after revising the original beginning with some things I have learned from this class. Until then I may or may not post some of the short stories I write for class here, but if I feel like they are decent enough to share, they will definitely be up on my deviantart account. I am a little dissatisfied with my Spanish 2 class. After Spanish 1, I was excited about continuing with Spanish, and I was hoping to (re)learn a lot. Unfortunately I do not feel like I am learning. The professor talks to us in completely in English, unlike other professors who would say something first in Spanish and then repeat it in English so the students would become accustomed to hearing the language. The classes are unproductive, and often I feel like my time would be better spent at home watching Spanish TV or studying from the book on my own. Hopefully this is just how the class is for the first few weeks...
In other news, I saw 9 over the weekend. I went in hoping for so much, but also slightly nervous because the last movie I saw that Tim Burton had a hand in was Coraline and I had mixed feelings about that after I watched it. It turns out that I have the same feelings about 9. If you haven't seen the movie, I would still suggest seeing it, because it was very good, but certain parts seemed out of place to me. If you take out those parts I thought did not fit with the feel of the movie, it would have been absolutely amazing. I felt this same way about Coraline. However, I loved the character designs and the creepiness that is very similar to movies Tim Burton played a larger part in.