Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country did to you!!

Sep 12, 2007 00:29

Another year has come and gone since the 9/11 attack.  I have been subjected to the disposable patriotism one more year while people yell out "We will NEVER forget!".  And neither will I but for a completely different reason.

I will never forget the people that died on this day six years ago.  Not because of the tragic way they died.  Or even the fact that they died cause of an attack on US soil.  I will never forget the people that died because of a reason that most are not willing to look at.  Their deaths should be remembered as to what length politicians in this country will go to in order have complete control over our nation.  You show me someone that truly believes that our government didn't allow this to happen and I will show you a retard.  The attack 6 years ago was allowed to happen by a president that was a retard and a cabinet full of power hungry, right winged zealots.  We as the American people bought it hook line and sinker. We signed away our rights and allowed ourselves to be mislead by people that are SUPPOSE to serve us.  We gave our sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and friends to a war that had NOTHING to do with us.  America, land of the free?  Please, we enslaved ourselves in order to feel safe from the "enemy".  The enemy has been sitting in OUR White House and on OUR T.V. LYING to us.

To those that wanna slam me for this just ask yourselves one thing.  What do you really know about the war we fighting?  We went over there cause of a group that we slaughtered in the first FOUR WEEKS.  We find Saddam sitting in a fucking hole but where the fuck is Bin Laden?  We have the ability to fire a fucking missile one thousand miles away to hit a fly on the ass of a donkey in the middle of the desert but we can't find ONE man.  Is it cause he is a shape shifter?  Is it cause he was an alien that teleported back to his mother ship?  Try because He is sitting in lawn chair somewhere soaking up sun and eating cocktail shrimp cause of his good friend Corky the president.  It is hard to keep a country going for a war when the main target is dead.  Not like it really matters though.  We sit here and watch the news that is programmed to keep us in fear or awe.  God knows that Paris Hilton coverage was what the American people REALLY wanted to see.

So I am an asshole for this I am sure.  I am the asshole that wants my country back.  The whole idea that we were founded on of a governing body that serves the people is why I love this country.  Now we got King Bush.  Where the fuck is Lee Harvey Oswald when we REALLY need him.  So I am going to end this with a quote from a man that truly understood what he was getting into.  Thomas Jefferson once said "The government that is strong enough to give you anything is capable of taking away everything".  Dude, where is my freedom?
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