this holiday has been a whirl-wind adventure of non-stop (almost) activity.
Haha I exaggerate. But everyday it's been some meeting/date/gathering of some form.
I hardly have time to sit down and study, what more do the assignments. And when I do have the time, I feel very lazy lah, because I'm stuck in the mindset of... it's HOLIDAYSSSSS!!!
Anyway, yes been busy: mainly because my aunt + uncle from Germany came down with my uncle's elder (?) sister so we have to bring them around as well.
But it's been great to see a lot of people and talk to them, even though for a little while. Because somehow, everyone's grown a bit older, wiser (MAYBE?) and more open and just want to extend the silaturrahim. (or tighten it?)
We had a decent trip to the Night Safari on Friday night. Man, I want to go there again. It wasn't satisfying to me because it was raining the shows weren't on and they didn't want to walk in the drenched paths, so we just sat on the monorail. But it was really good though.
Then Saturday And Sunday:
My cousin's wedding!
Saturday was exchanging of vows, Sunday was the reception.
My family + the 'German' family with the couple.
Kak Syai + Hirman with flower girls Quratul'Ain + QatrunNada. :)
with the flower girls!
with SOME of my cousins. So sad. Quite a few had left/weren't there anymore!
Sunday NIGHT:
SWENSEN'S ICE CREAM with my maternal cousins. Sorry JIHAnnahij wasn't there. HEHEHE. It was quite a massive
group of us and the queue at the airport branch was soooo long. But we managed to fit in and man, we took ages orddering and getting our orders because there were so many people esp the kids. they were so noisy but adorable... YAAH :))))
The noisy kids! :)
Alamak, I am totally outshone by the 3io of jambu sisters :P
My fellow earthquakers. We all shared the Giant earthquake the 6 of us.
The rest of the cousins had individual orders. (except the boys who were on teh other table).
I thought the whole point of going Swensens in a big group was to Earthquake together!!
On a brief but sombre note, I visited the cemetery on Sunday morning as well.
I have never been there before, prior to this. It was never really deemed necessary, for a young woman to go there anyway. But maybe the time had come just to see how it is, given teh inevitability of it all.
It's not disturbing per se, but it gets you thinking. Well, the whole purpose to go there is to menginsafkan diri ( to humble the soul and open the heart towards repentence). I could say so much more, but I'll save it for some other occasion.