Jan 02, 2006 04:50

Time for an entry:
retrospect 2005

Last year, I was at a party in Derry, with many people who I have never met before and many preppy people that thought they were so cool and tough. One guy was your typical football player, that definitely wanted to impress girls with his toughness. I sensed the trouble, predicting his character. He was dumb and drunk, bad combination.
I'm gonna skip to the part, where he grabbed me by my shirt and told me not to hit on a certain girl. I told him, I wouldn't hit on any girls. He topped his show of by grabbing my beer, which was about empty and spilled it in my face. I had a this stupid reflex, thinking he is gonna hit me with it and I must have hit him in the eye a little with my hand... whoops.
I wen't outside, to prepare for my escape. I had my dads old Cadillac, which was parked in in the driveway. However, I was able to plan a route through the neighbors yard if it would come down to it. I even broke off branches from a tree to prevent scratches to the car. The keys were in the ignition, all the doors were locked, the driver door open. I was hoping for my friend and my brother to come outside, so that we could leave this party. A group of guys were standing in the driveway talking about the situation and asking were I went. I walked up to them, they said that this kid wouldn’t fuck with me any further. I remained skeptic and seconds later, he came outside yelling something like “where is this motherfucker, he hit me in the eye, im gonna kill him”. He walked towards us and I decided to gtfo before it is too late. I started running, he started chasing, by the time I jumped in the car, he was pretty fucking close and all I could think of, was not to miss the door handle while I grabbed for it. He was so close to the door with his hand when I closed it, omg. I was scared shittless, this dude was huge to, he could have crushed me…
I started the car, he tried different doors and was punching the windows, I was kinda surprised he didn’t break one. I spun out through the neighbors yard, while he was desperately trying to get me. I ran over a bush and apparently his foot, at least that’s what I was told later on.


This years party compensated for last years, because it was awesome! Plenty of liquor, plenty of beer, many hot girls, many cool guys and lots of good music.
All the guys were getting along great, which is awesome. I even drank sparkling whine at midnight, hehe I don’t know if that is important or not. The only fight at the party was conducted by 2 girls, which made the night even greater. I have never seen girls fight so hard. The one girl had a cast and was hitting the other with it in the face, while the other was pulling a shit load of hair. I wish I wish I would have had the video camera or at least a photo. You should have seen all the hair, like 2 hands full. The girl that got it ripped out was bald on her side, it looked so bad. I would guess it was a 3 by 3 inch area which looked just white, with no hair left. That girl was flipping out, the guys were holding her back, while the other girl was so drunk, laying on the ground, mumbling stuff, making an ass out of her self. Two times I saw someone pour beer over her, it was funny.
I think it was around 3 o clock when we all drove back to Latrobe. There I laid in a bed and slept a little, while one of my “friends” broke into a house and stole 3 bottles of whine, he said a little girl came down when he was in the kitchen and asked him what he was doing and he just ran away lol. I was only half awake, 2 girls also went to bed (a different bed) and everyone else was having fun.
Me and my friend went to his house around 4 and went to sleep. I slept great, lol, he slept on the floor, I slept in his bed... it was his offer.
The next morning, I returned some stuff at wal mart for my friends buddy, (probably stolen stuff) and he wen’t and bought a bag of heroin, which he shot himself on the spot. He then drove me home. So now, here I am, working on my bumper:

I also made the hood 2 days ago and redid half of the fender the night before. Also the frame of the headlight is complete, just gotta add some lights into it.

The bumper is the hardest part so far, it’s so hard because it has so many curves and many vertexes, making it difficult to keep an overview when aligning stuff to create a smooth surface. I think its coming along nice though, it will probably look pretty sweet once done.

Now I wish everyone a happy year of 2006
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