Heart of the Storm (Masterpost)

May 22, 2015 02:07

Title: Heart of the Storm
Authors: lizynob and lorafantastory
Pairings: Oscar/Block as the Anna/Hans dynamic
Characters: Oscar Schlumper, Wayne Schlumper, Dr. Block, Dr. Tease, minor mentions of Party Mania characters
Word Count: 47,002
Warnings: Descriptions of anxiety, some bullying, angst, references to death
Disclaimer: We don't own any characters. Everything belongs to either AT4W, The Spoony Experiment, Chez Apocalypse, or Party Mania. Chapter titles shamelessly taken from Disney.
Summary: AU loosely based on the plot of "Frozen". Wayne Schlumper discovers as a child that he has the ability to create lightning and electricity. He also discovers how terrifyingly dangerous it would be for his little brother Oscar to get too close. Twenty years later, the two are partner scientists. But when Wayne's lightning is revealed, Oscar sets off with his sudden girlfriend to track his brother down and bring him home. Electricity isn’t the only danger waiting, however, and the two must confront truths about each other and about themselves. (Now with 100% less trolls, terrible parenting, and talking snowmen!)

Lots of thanks to trulyamindlost and sayonara_sdays for their bonus content!

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Epilogue, Bonus Content

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