Art Title:
Dokis and All That Good StuffCharacters: Film Brain, Linkara
Pairings: Linkara/Film Brain
Setting: High school anime AU!
Rating: G
Trigger warnings: None.
Story guidelines: I really don't mind where you go with this, but I predict there will be a lot of stereotypical romantic anime fluff, which is right up my alley. This is based on an earlier concept I had (that you don't have to follow, this is just a suggestion) where one of the side stories in a dating sim was the vivacious, self-confident and arrogant violinist Linkara melting the dark secretive shell of the intelligent, down-to-earth Film Brain. D'awww.
Title: Heart Stickers and Cherry Blossoms (We Must Be in an Anime)
butterflyslinkyCharacters: Linkara, Film Brain, Harvey Finevoice, Oancitizen, Luke, Marzgurl, Margaret (sort of)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 9290
Warning(s): A few swear words, one very innocent make-out scene, one car accident (no one is injured)
Summary: The best way to get a boyfriend is to fall down the stairs and then walk past the cherry trees. It also helps if he plays the violin.
Note: Special thanks to pompoko for betaing
Part One: Two: Three: Four: was a really charming fic! >u< I really liked it, and it's very romantic. Thank you, Slinky C: