New Layout!

Dec 21, 2011 15:10

In a (possibly temporary) attempt to get around the new comment box, I have enabled custom comment pages. It's fairly similar to the old layout, but the narrow column made it less than ideal for fill posts. With custom comment pages, the old-style comment box should still be in place, with the subject line and preview options, though as best as I can tell it just puts the subject line at the top of the post. It's a work in progress, and suggestions are welcome. (My best guess right now is to post possible triggers within the prompt post itself, but hell if I know how that would work.)

On a mildly related note, I am being informed there are screened comments, but am not being given an option to view them. I check comments containing links for unscreening (which is why I'm baffled as to how I didn't see it before, unless LJ is just being an ass). If you have a post containing a link that has not gone through, try it once again and it should go through since the relevant option has been changed.

Thanks for bearing with us.

EDIT JAN. 22: Changed it again, as an issue was brought up re: readability with the brown color scheme. If the new-new layout is problematic for anyone, as I know white spaces can be, I suggest trying out f.lux, a program that changes harsher white/blue tones to warmer ones depending on the time of day. (It's really just a fantastic program in general for preventing eyestrain/migraines, etc etc infomercial testimony order in the next ten minutes.) Further issues can be brought up in the comments here or via PM. Thanks again~


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