Last week

Aug 30, 2010 14:35

Last week at work was particularly difficult for some reason. There was a lot more work than usual and on one of the days we didn't even finish everything we had to do! Friday was a nice easy day though because we had to do the inventory (i.e. counting things) and I was paired with rabbi Dave seeing as we work together and get along so well. He got me some delicious sultana and cinnamon biscuits on Friday for no particular reason, making him all the more awesome.

Despite having lots of work to do, working at Vauxhall was still enjoyable. I saw a robin inside the warehouse on Tuesday, I think, which brightened up my day. We have also determined that I have surprisingly good Gaydar for a straight boy (lol!), although my Jewdar seems to be faltering. I have also been accused of being Amish for not knowing any celebrities.

I went round Annie's on Wednesday for her birthday, which was pleasant overall if very bizarre. It was just me, her, her parents and her insane uncle who rambles continually in a more than slightly mad way. We had dinner which was tasty, despite her mum insisting it wasn't, and I tried peppermint tea for the first time (far better than spearmint), and Annie gave me delicious fudge which she'd got from Cornwall. So it was all good overall.

The weekend has been relaxing, although I've managed to get no work done whatsoever. Ffff....

friends, life

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