University Life

Jan 20, 2009 10:31

I got up at 7:45 to go to a 9am lecture, only to be told it was intended for graduates and not relevant for me. So rather than spending the surprise two free hours working on my essay, I have decided to blog a little.

I'm nicely settled in again, have met all my friends, sat some tests, played Risk and played Mah Jong. Although I've only experienced one day of proper term so far, the workload definitely feels intense - last term I had to write 9 essays of which one had to be in French, this term I have to write 14 with 2 in French (on top of weekly grammar and fortnightly translations as well).

My tutorials are on Thursdays this term, which is good because I will have Thursday nights free. Thursday night is when everything happens - Union debates, International Cinema club AND board game club! W00t.

Here are some unnecessary photos of my room:

The door

Through the door...

My fun board, including Tibetan flag, fish-head calendar, Palestinian-made bracelet thing...

Message from the Dalai Lama hanging on my wall.

For some reason I have this decking I'm not allowed to climb on, so I've covered it in photos.


university, oxford, life

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