Jun 09, 2007 21:11
Why not?
Toutes les gloires sont éphémères. Du point de vue de Sirius, les oeuvres de Goethe dans dix milles ans seront en poussière et son nom oublié.
All glory is ephemeral. From the point of view of Sirius, in ten thousand years Goethe's works will be dust and his name forgotten.
Une pensée profonde est en continuel devenir, épouse l'expérience et s'y façonne. De même, la création unique d'un homme se fortifie dans ses visages successifs et multiples que sont ses oeuvres. Les unes complètent les autres, les corrigent ou les rattrapent, les contredisent aussi. Si quelque chose termine la création, ce n'est pas le cri victorieux et illusoire de l'artiste aveugle : "J'ai tout dit", mais la mort du créateur qui ferme son expérience et le livre de son génie.
This one is for the artists, but I can't do it justice, as French-speakers will know. Here it is, roughly:
A profound mind is in continual development; it adopts experience and fashions itself thereto. A man's unique creation strengthens itself in his successive and multiple faces which are his works of art. Some of them complete others, correct them or put them right, also contradict them. If something ends creation, it is not the victorious and illusory cry of the blind artist, "I've said everything," but the death of the creator which ends his experience and closes the book of his genius.
I've now finishes Le Mythe de Sisyphe and have moved onto La chute, which Sartre claimed was Camus' best novel.