No referral for speech therapy

Jan 19, 2006 17:49

Got a letter from my GP this morning. He has confirmed that I can't get NHS speech therapy locally, and says if I want an NHS referral then it'll have to be an out-of-area referral via the Charing Cross GIC. Since I'm one of Richard Curtis' patients, my expectation of CX being at all sympathetic and cooperative is, well, zero.

My GP continues by giving me details of where I may obtain a list of speech and language therapists for private treatment. I get the impression that he's not overly optimistic about my chances via CX as well.

Anyway, I now have an appointment to see a speech therapist privately, thanks to Dr Curtis. Shame about the local hospital not being interested.

I've written a reply to my GP, stating that I'll be taking the private option and thanking him for his help. I took the opportunity to stir things up a little by saying that the Charing Cross route wasn't something I had any confidence in, and pointing to the Brighton and Hove report to help explain why. With luck, he'll read it, get righteously indignant and be extra nice to me and any other transsexual patients, should he happen to come across any more of us in future. ;-)

speech therapy, private vs. nhs, claybrook/charing cross

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