Advice on breast forms

Dec 27, 2005 17:16

Hi all. Hope everyone had a splendid Christmas!

Anyway, I'm wondering if any of the lovely ladies here have any recommendations for breast forms? My own homemade ones are getting a bit worn, and I don't think they're going to last me until my own breasts start growing properly, hopefully in a few months.

I've looked online, but most of the stuff seems to be either a) terribly fetishistic, made to look like actual cleavage, with nipples, and is often very large, or b) aimed at enhancing existing breasts.

I'm currently totally flat-chested, and all I want is something that will give me the appearance of an A-cup under my top. I don't need them to look like real breasts, I don't want something outrageously huge, aimed at fetishistic transvestites (not that there's anything wrong with fetishistic transvestites, that's just not me, and I want something for everyday practicality, rather than romping).

Anyone got any suggestions? I'm wondering if I should just make a new pair from a small towel/flannel, which is what my existing set are.

I usually wear an ordinary underwired bra, if that's relevant.

passing, questions

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