Something to think about

Mar 25, 2005 16:56

I posted this on my own journal and Anne78 suggested I cross post it to the communities.

I've been playing a little mind game with myself of late. I call it Passing Judgement...

Passing Judgment

A lot of transsexuals seem obsessed with whether or not they can pass as their updated gender or not. I think that people judge themselves too harshly based on the fact that almost everyone appears to have the opinion that they'd never pass without serious reconstructive surgery.
If you're one of the people that thinks this, play this game and prepare to have your spirits lifted.

Basicaly, no one really looks at anyone anymore. At all.
Society has advanced to that point. Proof of this was given in a show on the BBC about human senses, the episode about sight had an amusing little prank where an actor dressed as a survey taker went up to a random stranger, asked half a questionnaire and we interrupted by a pair of two other actors drssed as workmen carrying a peice of board between the actor and the stranger.
When the board had passed, the survery taking actor had swapped placed with someoe dressed the same but who looked totally different.
Roughly 80% didn't even notice the switch. The remaining 20% knew something was wrong but assumed that the survey taking actor had taken off a hat or glasses when the board passed.
And that was when they'd been talking one on one.

Here's how to set your mind at ease about passing. Next time you're in a fast food place or a bar, pick a seat by the window which allows you to look out at the people passing by on the street. And in your head, set the follwing mission. The current stats suggest that roughly 1 in 10,000 people are transexual (this figure may be completely wrong but it's the one I worked with) but just for the next hour, work on the assuption that 1 in 10, 1 in 5 or maybe even 1 in 2 of the people walking by have switched genders. Try anf pick out which ones.

When you break your brain free of the statistics and the thinking of "I'm the only one here so of course people can tell" you're free to think "Actually, many of the women here who have been women since birth look worse than I do."

I've been thinking this way for a few days now, even though I'm out in guy mode 24/7, trying to pick out 1 in 5 people as transsexuals in my head to see who can't even pass as thier original biological sex. It's gotten to the point where some women I've looked at (I mean REALLY looked at, but try not to stare it makes people thin kyou're very strange) and from thier faces they could easily have been male friends of mine from school, a little older and with breasts... in some cases not even with breasts.

It's certainly made passing seem far more achievable.

passing, personal

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