NHS rules

Sep 18, 2008 14:49

Hi all,

I have a question about how the public vs private system works.

My GP has said he will refer me to Charing Cross for top surgery! Huzzah!

At the same time, while my anxiety as greatly reduced since I started transitioning, it's still around. I've made an appointment for a private shrink, so I can finally get it under control.

My question: if I go private for anxiety-related therapy, is this going to cause a problem for my referral? I don't currently have an NHS psychiatrist. I think that CC insists on seeing one before they cover any sort of surgery. I don't want to make myself ineligible for public funding.

Is there a website or something that would hint at the answer to this question? Is there somebody I should ask? The private shrink doesn't know.

Thanks very much.

private vs. nhs, nhs treatment

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