Some questions *Sigh gp's*

Oct 11, 2006 19:08

I had an appointment with my GP today to see whether he would take me on a shared care basis and convert my prescription to an NHS one, he wouldn't. He thought it should be the responsibility of the Dr. who diagnosed me (A private gender specialist). He obviously doesn't know anything about transsexuality, so while I'm not all that hopeful that it'll change his mind, I would like to send him something that expains about Transsexuality and the treatement for it (especially transguys) So please if you know of anything that would fit that bill could you link me/ tell me about it?

He was telling me that he would never prescribe something as dangerous as Testosterone, and was telling me how greatly it increases the risk of prostate cancer ect, I was privatly thinking 'but I don't have a prostate' but i wasn't sure insulting his intelligence was the way to go, although, he was kind enough to provide a blood test on the nhs, only strangley enough he ticked the male box, aside from scaring whoever takes it with my predictibly messed up T levels should this affect the results at all?

Anyway I'm hoping that if i send him some information and ask the other Doctor to talk to him, he'll change his mind. He did seem pretty firm though, he said he's only do it if the other doctor could really educate him and then he's still have to clear it with a medical harm board or something :(

One more question, does anyone know how much androgel would cost me, if i did have to pay for it?

Thanks for your help

questions, resources, gp, nhs treatment, hormones

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