Jul 03, 2006 14:05

Hey kids~

This is mainly aimed at FtM members - but ladies, please feel free to post saying what your preference is in hormone treatment for other ladies to read. :D


Basically - I've been thinking, as if everything goes smoothe and well I hope to start T in, like, 10-12 months, but the thing is.. I'm not sure about the method of hormone treatment.

On the NHS 'n' whatnot, do you have a say in what kind of Testosterone you receive?

Because there's, like - injection, patch and gel - right?

The fact is that I'm absolutely bloody terrified of needles, but at the same time I've heard that other methods aren't as effective. Does anyone know how true that is?

It'd be nice to have a patch or gel - but I wouldn't want it to be less effective. :C

questions, nhs treatment, hormones

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