(no subject)

Jun 28, 2006 15:49

So, I finally got things sorted out and got a referal to the CX GIC from my psychiatrist now and not my GP.
I'm happy about getting the referal but I'm worried about some of the things she said to me...
She took a psychological history of me (depression and anxiety) and then said that the GIC would probably refer me for general psychotherapy before gender therapy. She said she's refered a couple of MTF people but they 'didn't have issues' and, aparently I do. Granted, I do have a few minor mental health issues but I really don't think they are that relevant to my transitioning. She seems to think me being abused as a kid somehow makes me want to transition.

Have any of you got mental health problems and been refered without problems? Or, if you had to have regular therapy too...how long was it for and how did it affect things?

Also, she said something that REALLY offended me! She asked me if I had a partner and I said 'yes' and she asked what sex and I said "Female...but she's not a lesbian or anything" which is 100% true...and them the psychiatrist started arguing with me saying I was a girl in everyone's eyes except my own and my girlfriend can't possible think of me or accept me as male! It really shattered me to hear this...I'm well aware most people wont see me as male but to be told "You FEEL male but you ARE female" upset me so much. Also, it's made me really doubt my relationship right now and feel uneasy showing my body. It's really knocked me.
Have any of you guys had a psychiatrist or anyone say something similar?

It seems like everyone I go to for help ends up just cutting me down :/

mental health, discrimination

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