Inland Revenue changes in the post-GRA era?

May 08, 2006 18:58

I wrote to the Inland Revenue just over a week ago to change my name. Today, I received a response. In the response they acknowledged the change of details but also stated:

"I'm afraid that our records will continue to reflect the gender recorded on your birth certificate unless we receive a GRC."

I understood the previous system (Pre-GRA) was that the IR would amend records to show MtF/FtM and use the aquired gender for day-to-day stuff and the old gender only if it made a difference for tax calculations etc. (It doesn't, for someone my age) Worried that this might mean I'll be "outed" to any new employers for the next 2 years, I had a look through all the paperwork I've ever in my role as a employer in the past and none of it mentions gender. (The only forms employers ever seem to get is the P6 Notice of Coding which doesn't state it) So, assuming that the Inland Revenue don't bother correcting employers when they send in stuff with the "wrong" gender on it there should never be a situation in which the IR "out" an employee to an employer, correct?

Can anyone else who has changed name recently, (I.e. they've had a similar letter from the IR and not bothered mentioning their TS status to their new employer and been fine?) or indeed is an employer of someone that is TS and can check the paperwork they've received, confirm if this is the case or not?

questions, gender recognition, employment

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