Sep 04, 2007 16:41
i managed to go a good two straight months without updating over the summer and now i'm updating consecutive days in a row. oh, school. look at what you do to me.
so i rearranged my schedule today (a.k.a. raped hoffman-scoggins) and now i am enjoying eight lovely classes a day with a lunch squeezed in at my locker after 5th period since i just go right from english to architectural drawing which is directly below simoes' room and conveniently located about 6 feet from my locker. i am also taking videography now. i don't know, i bet some people would think i'm crazy for getting rid of my lunch, but i know a lot of people who've done it and it really can't be that bad. in a way it sort of makes the day go faster because you don't get a break to think about how much you have left. and i mean, if all eight classes were ap/honors, that would be one thing but band, video, and arch. draw are all 'asterisk' classes so it's really not that bad. except that's still five ap/honors classes. fuck. oh well it's my own decision so it will hopefully be a good experience nonetheless. the only thing i'm worried about is the fact that i used to get a ton of homework done during lunch last year. anddd... if i can't have a reliable time to eat lunch (or at least a decent quantity of food) that might affect me once swim season starts since we have practice right after school. oh well, i'll deal with those thoughts when the time comes.
so school is at least more interesting now (?) with my new classes so that's a plus. i was really surprised that we actually get legit books in arch draw with many legit chapters on serious architecture and building techniques and all that. and we use a pretty bitching program on the computers so that will be fun. unless i'm slitting my wrists. which i hopefully won't be. and videography i honestly plan to treat as a blow-off course because why would anyone treat that class in any other manner. josh told me that we do an instructional video as one of our projects so i was thinking of making 'how to throw an awesome party.' and basically everyone would be drinking V8 or juice boxes or some other ridiculous beverage and acting completely trashed. i thought that would be funny, but i might get other ideas.
i have to go do homework for a few hours (fuck!) and then back to trafficking firearms. sorry, anyone who has to do otav's stats assignment will appreciate that.