I must have been channelling Rodney Dangerfield...

May 05, 2013 01:45

I'm never allowed to win an argument with my wife (what husband is?).  But I think I set a new record recently.

My wife and I were leaving synagogue after Shabbos morning services several weeks ago, and I was getting my wool overcoat for the walk home.

As I started to take it off of the hook, Devorah told me that it wasn't my coat.  (Mind you, I've had a few times where someone else has temporarily made off with my coat, but I have never brought the wrong coat home so far.)

I looked into the coat to check, and told her that my name was in it.  Obviously giving my statement all the consideration that she felt it was entitled to, Devorah replied "No it isn't!".

I insisted that it was, but she said that it was the wrong color, that my coat was further down.  (My overcoat is a very dark blue, almost black.  She was pointing to a medium gray overcoat.)

It wasn't until I brought my coat over and showed Devorah my name on the label inside that she finally conceded that it was indeed my coat.

But I guess my credibility in her eyes wasn't improved by this.

Once home, we were talking with several guests during lunch.  At one point I started to say "You know, I think...", at which point Devorah interrupted me and said "You're wrong".

While she often seems to read my mind, in this case when I asked what I had been about to say, she had not only incorrectly anticipated what I was going to say, she wasn't even on the same topic.

I'm blaming the spirit of Rodney Dangerfield for this, because normally, while I'm never allowed to win an argument, Devorah at least humors me and lets me think that I have a chance. ;-)

All humor aside, I want to make clear that this really was very much out of character for Devorah.  Also, because of memory and cognition difficulties that I've had as a result of my strokes and from having had hyperparathyroidism, I've given her good reason to not fully trust everything that I've said.  Thank G-d, since they took out the diseased parathyroid gland, both my memory and cognition have noticeably improved.
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