Latest stats in from the programming language popularity contests

Nov 05, 2009 18:30

OK, so it's not really popularity contests, it's just an interesting job trends graph I built:

Since March 2008, the following has occurred:
  • Php jobs increased 150%
  • Perl jobs increased 104%
  • Java jobs increased 91%
  • C jobs increased 48%
  • Visual Basic jobs increased 42%
  • Cobol jobs increased 38%
  • Fortran jobs increased 33%
  • C++ jobs increased 19%
  • Html jobs increased 10%

Assuming that this data is correct, some interesting observations:
  • Despite being "obsolete" for years,procedural C still dominates over object oriented C++
  • Then again, this may be due to Java having stolen C++'s thunder
  • Despite our best attempts, Visual Basic still refuses to die
  • While not offering the most jobs, web oriented languages (scripting languages and java) as showing twice the growth rate of their nearest competitors.
Of course, with so many programming jobs going overseas, and so few Americans training in computer science any more, most of the above really doesn't matter except to old coots like me who have been around since since the days of punch cards.

Data provided by, a search engine for jobs.
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