Do Something!!

Jul 02, 2004 14:00

I saw Farhenheit 9/11 last night. EVERYBODY MUST PROMISE ME THEY WILL VOTE. And see if you can't make 5 other people vote too.
Swatties- PA is a swing state . If you're there now, GET INVOLVED! I definitely plan on doing so when I get back this year. For example, help people register to vote, its sooo important! Or at least write your congressman and tell them what you're thinking. Topics? Iraq war, the prison atrocities, Patriot Act, the Draft, why Donald Rumsfeld should resign.. (ok the last one is my opinion)
And get yourself informed. The internet has tons of resources or at least read the paper. And I don't mean just the sports section (which i have to confess I generally read first, i'm so excited about the olympics!). But read the front page and find out whats going on in the world. I'm sure you all are pretty informed..but I just want to encourage you to not only be informed but also active. You don't have to start a protest or anything (though more power to you if you do) but even small steps are a place to start--talking to others about it, writing letters etc. I'm going to be writing many letters to my congressmen this summer and running after everyone I know with a voter registration card. At least something is better than nothing!
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