It's not so thrilling to be back in school. Though I'm working unutterably hard, my report card for last quarter comes out tomorrow, and I know for a fact I am punished for it, because I already discussed it with my parents. They were pretty incoherent about it, but they did say I needed less computer time--a half hour a day (not including the times I need it resourcefully) for a week. That kind of puts me in a tumult, but I know it'll be the best thing for me, and I'm actually looking foward to more productivity. I just bought the Mayflower model boat that I've been looking everywhere for in Red Bank, so I can't wait to start that. I also can't wait to get into my closest and throw out old clothes. I'm insidiously learning better habits of time managment. Also, I'll appriciate being with my friends more if I can't always look at their myspaces or talk to them online. Speaking of that, I CAN'T wait for the INDY MOVIE FESTIVAL this Friday! Woo hoooooooooo!
Alright. I'm going to TRY to upload pictures one more time. Can someone help me? I don't know how to upload pictures anymore, and Ive been taking so many of them. Comment if chya- know how.