We Caught as Catch Could!

Dec 17, 2003 01:11

Tonight's Chorus meeting included the Catch-as-Catch-Can Quartet Contest. The goal is to get guys who are not regularly in quartets into short-term quartets. The contest requires each group to perform only one song. When the contest was originally announced, there were only three weeks to get ready. I was roped into a quartet with Jason, A.J., and ddmerillat pretty quickly. I figured we'd be best off with music that was close at hand. I already had four copies of "Lida Rose", one of the quartet songs from The Music Man. A.J.'s aunt sang in a quartet that knew "Dream of Now", a song that gets sung concurrently with "Lida Rose" during the show. I thought the combination was impossible to coordinate in three weeks, but the contest was delayed by six weeks. Thus, it became possible to do the eight-part performance, and we won! Whee!
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