Getting the Hang of Thursday

Sep 29, 2006 01:23

I woke up Thursday morning to the sound of rain. While rain doesn't necessarily portend a troubled day, it did this time.

My first annoyance was seeing my hair after my customary blow drying. It was long on top and short on the sides. It was really long on top. I flashed back to my dialogue with Terry the Unfamiliar Stylist on Wednesday. She'd asked how long it had been since my last cut. I told her about two months. She suggested removing a half inch per month. I told her the length on top "wasn't bothering me", so only take off a half inch. When she showed off her handiwork in the mirror, she'd left the hair wet and laying flat. Now I could see what it looked like standing up. That I'd asked for the wrong thing and that she'd done what I asked for instead remind me of two recent waiterrant stories: Puttanesca and Dying in Vain.

It was my turn to pick up lunch today. The choice of venue was rapidly narrowed down to Panera. Jay wanted a soup. I opted for soup and a sandwich. I called at 12:30, but they told me to pick it up at 1:00. When I got back to the office, I went to unpack and discovered my half sandwich and Jay's soup. They'd neglected my soup. Argh! I called and managed to get the same woman who'd taken my order. I could see from the receipt that she'd entered the order correctly. I could also see significant readability issues with the receipt codes that would explain the mistake. If you saw "CHX WR U" on a receipt, would you think to include a soup?

My main work goal today was to port a fix from the embedded code to the host code. We'd been erroneously reporting 0 when we needed to report 1 for a particular image. I made the fix and ran the test. It came up 0. Hmm. I tried a copy that hadn't yet been fixed. That came up 0. OK, at least that makes sense. I ran the test through the embedded code that I'd fixed a few months ago. That came up 0, too. Awwrk? A close examination of the embedded code revealed a place I'd failed to make a change. It was one of those delightful places where we have "do this for each unit of a full set", then "do the same thing for each unit of the partial set left over". I'd missed a spot in the leftover code.

I didn't figure out why it wasn't working in the host-based code until just after 7:00. At that point, it was a mad scramble to get it fixed, tested and committed before leaving for quartet. After committing the code, I realized I'd need to test it with a second compiler, too. That one wouldn't build until I moved an extern declaration out of an #ifndef block. Technically, I was supposed to check the object file into our release module, but that would require checking out the release module, and I didn't have time for that. Vaaarrk! I settled for committing the source fix and mentioning in the log message that I didn't have time to do the release thing.

Of course, I wasn't able to crank out the fix fast enough to get out the door in time to be prompt for practice. I called Dick's house to let him know I'd be ten minutes late. His son answered the phone. I mistook it for his wife. "Hi, Kathy." "This isn't Kathy." D'oh.

work, restaurants, barbershop

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