WordPerfect 12!

Mar 02, 2004 10:55

Back in the day, I was a WordPerfect fanatic. My first experience with a Word Processor was MultiMate. I remember swapping the floppies to do a spell check. I think the next one up was PFS Write. That was better, but I can't remember what I liked about it. At some point, I ended up with WordPerfect 5.1. Oh, man, that thing rocked! It didn't zoom on my XT with 640K and a 20MB hard drive, but the equation editor made my calculus homework look super-duper snazzy. Best of all, though, was Reveal Codes. WordPerfect 5.1 wasn't WYSIWYG yet, but it did have the ability to split the screen into an editing half and a YAFIYGI half. This presaged my preference for mark-up languages like HTML and LaTeX. I could never see where Word changed from typeface to typeface, and I often had to select all of my text and reunify it. Even now, Word's attachment of formatting options to the end of the paragraph gives me no end of headaches when I backspace over the invisible border and wreak formatting havoc.

When I bought my 486DX2-66, I bought WordPerfect 6.0 for it. That's the DOS version, by the way. 6.0 was astounding. I read the entire manual cover-to-cover on a road trip to Indiana to buy a trumpet. I knew that sucker inside and out. I used that knowledge to be on the bleeding edge of cool cover sheets. For the final paper in a freshman English class, I used the watermark feature to tile generic advertising slogans in 10% gray behind the normal title page contents.

My use of WordPerfect came to a screeching halt when I added a new hard drive to my computer in 1998. My old hard drive had been partitioned into C, D, and E. Due to the incredibly annoying way that DOS and Win95 handled drive letters, the new drive's first partition was assigned D. D became E, E became F. The new hard drive's other partitions were G and H. My CD-ROM went from F to I. Sigh! WordPerfect had been installed to the old D, and it didn't make the move to E gracefully. Thanks, Micros~1! By that point, I didn't have much need for a word processor. These days, I've been using mostly OpenOffice, but even that's fairly infrequent.

WordPerfect has announced version 12. Wow. According to the article, some PC manufacturers bundle a lesser version of WordPerfect with their machines as a less-expensive alternative to Micros~1. This led to a line that made me chuckle:"We're not in the double digits yet for upselling people to the full suite, but we are making progress," he said.
From Corel sets WordPerfect update
They haven't even sold ten upgrades yet? They're trailing behind RC Cola!

nostalgia, computers

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