Title: Stand by You
Series: Resident Evil, Biohazard
Circle: Run to Me
Artist: Kawami
Pairing: Chris/Piers
Rating: PG, BL
Pages: 80
Translated: $65
Book Only: $30
Title: One's Pal #1
Series: Resident Evil, Biohazard
Circle: Lonewolf
Artist: yopi
Pairing: Chris/Piers
Rating: PG, BL
Pages: 34
Translated: $35
Book Only: $20
Title: Bow Wow Panic
Series: Resident Evil, Biohazard
Circle: Funny Crew
Artist: Yuu-ri
Pairing: Chris/Piers
Rating: R, yaoi
Pages: 40
Translated: $45
Book Only: $25
Title: My Little Sniper
Series: Resident Evil, Biohazard
Circle: Funny Crew
Artist: Yuu-ri
Pairing: Chris/Piers
Rating: R, yaoi
Pages: 36
Translated: $45
Book Only: $25
Title: Pia-wanko (Puppy Piers)
Series: Resident Evil, Biohazard
Circle: Run to Me
Artist: Kawami
Pairing: Chris/Piers
Rating: PG, BL
Pages: 20
Translated: $25
Book Only: $15