Do You Remember That One Scene?

Jan 02, 2006 10:28

Remember in Return of the King, there was that one scene... you know, when you thought Aragon was killed... but he wasn't... but you still thought he was dead and were just waiting for the King to return... because after all, it was called Return of the King and you were just waiting for the money shot?  Then you were absolutely satisfied when he came barging through the castle doors looking all svelte, hot and (most importantly) alive?

Yea, that was a good scene. But there was no need to recycle, Mr. Jackson.

In King Kong, there was this one scene... you know, when you thought Kong was killed by Chlorophone and bullets... but he wasn't... but you still thought he was dead and were just waiting for the King to return to New York... because after all, it is called King Kong and you were just waiting for the money shot?  Then you were supposed to be all satisfied when the curtains opened and he looked all svelte, hot and (albeit, barely) alive?

Kong doesn’t hold a candle to Viggo. Period.
There was absolutely no need to draw out this crazy monkey movie for 197 minutes.  Though I have to hand it to Peter: he did a good job adding unexpected side stories with uneducated stowage boys, killer head-sucking centipedes and (my personal favorite) the clueless Triceratops grazing peacefully on the creek side while the T-Rex's go to town on poor Kong.
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