S!G Epsilon

Jan 02, 2009 14:17

Character Description Form:‭ ‬to be filled out for ALL characters

Name:‭ ‬Epsilon‭ "‬Epi‭" ‬Antares
Type:‭ ‬Transformer
Gender:‭ ‬Mech
Eyes:‭ ‬Amber
Height:‭ ‬20‭'
Description:‭ ‬Same as Gamma,‭ ‬but not caprine in any shape or form.‭ ‬Right-handed. Walks with a small limp due to damage from a racing accident that was aggravated in a hit-and-run by a then Orion Pax.
Personality:‭ Less brash, but as off-beat humor wise as Gamma, he is a‬ kind,‭ ‬soft spoken,‭ ‬but thoughtful mech who‬ helps the S!G Decepticon cause anyway he can with his knowledge of electronic circuitry he acquired while building the instruments he designed for himself and his late twin.‭ ‬Would like to improve the humans‭' ‬perception of the faction if at all possible.‭ ‬There are times where he just needs to be by himself,‭ ‬contemplating‭ “‬What if‭?‬...‭”
Likes:‭ ‬The music of Earth, but will call anything of the jazz genre by its sub-classification (swing, big band, fusion) for obvious reasons. While on a mission at Jerusalem, became fascinated with human spirituality. Regards Tasker Alpha as his closest friend.
Dislikes:‭ ‬Hates the Shattered!Glass version of Jazz with every particle of his being,‭ ‬and any other S!G Autobot for that matter:‭ ‬he wants the universe purged of such evil with an almost zealous urgency.
Squicks‭ (‬DO NOT WANT‭)‬:‭ ‬Unlike Gamma,‭ ‬doesn't curse at all.‭ ‬Not even‭ “‬FSCK‭”!
Other:‭ ‬Being a bit pacifistic,‭ ‬his fighting skills are quite rudimentary.‭ ‬He'd be better as a diplomat than a soldier.‭ ‬Since the massacre,‭ ‬hasn't even picked up an instrument,‭ ‬much to Tasker's chagrin‭; ‬who himself still plays his own monophonic sax-flute-horn thing whenever possible.‭ ‬If Epi ever picks up a bass type of instrument,‭ ‬they'd have two-thirds of a Morphine cover band‭!
Its Epi this time! drawn by suzidragonlady

Transformer-specific Details:‭ ‬add this on if you're submitting a Transformer

Faction:‭ Mirror!verse/‬Shattered!Glass Decepticon
Occupation:‭ ‬Common soldier,‭ ‬P.R.‭ ‬wonk, electronics genius
Alternate Mode:‭ ‬1973‭ ‬Grand Am
Tools/Weapons:‭ ‬Unlike G1‭!‬verse and on Gamma,‭ ‬doesn't have a multi-face since he hasn't played any instrument at all since the massacre,‭ ‬and was nowhere near K'Veht at all for anything close to even having one throwing star.‭ ‬Has a dual-barrel pulse rifle with independently phase adjustable charges as his only real weapon.
Preferred Generation:‭ ‬Shattered Glass!verse
History:‭ ‬ Practically the same path in life as G1‭~‬2007‭ ‬verse.‭ ‬Was a government underling before the rebellion.‭ ‬In the S!G verse,‭ ‬it was Epsilon who survives the Musidrome Massacre.‭ ‬He accidentally discovers important information about the S!G Autobot faction,‭ ‬but unknowingly is found out by Optimus‭ (‬who wouldn't know Epi from a cracked engine block in S!G-verse,‭) ‬who puts a‭ “‬hit‭” ‬out on the smaller mech.‭ ‬Arriving late to Musicdrome,‭ ‬he actually witnesses while undetected,‭ ‬the homicidal S!G-verse Jazz kill his younger twin Gamma,‭ ‬his‭ (‬Epsilon's‭) ‬love and bonded Silentwing,‭ ‬as well as Torquer.‭ ‬An even tardier Tasker Alpha happened upon an emotionally distressed Epsilon,‭ ‬and offered refuge and safety within the S!G Decepticon faction to his bandmate,‭ ‬where Epi found badly needed comradeship among the ranks under S!G Megatron.
Alt Mode References:‭ 1973 Grand Am
Front and Aft views of a 73 GA
Some more 1st year data: El Click!
Voice Actor: ideally, it would have been the late David Carradine.

poster: jim_ghote, ref: epsilon antares, epsilon antares

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