Attn: Zoe!

Nov 30, 2008 23:01

I has a Crosstalk...

“And just where do you think you’re going?”  Crosstalk paused as the voice of the medic echoed around the metal walls of their temporary base.
“Er… to refuel?”
“I don’t think so.  You are moving your aft into my medbay so I can check you over!”
“Yes sir.”  Years of time spent in med bays and around medics had given him a sixth sense when it came to medical procedures and indeed medics.  He endured them for the sake of his processor and audios.

Settling himself as comfortably on the med bay berth as he could, Crosstalk watched as the medic busied himself collecting the tools and equipment he would need.  Automatically tuning himself into the communications network already in operation, he lay back and distracted himself listening to the general chatter on the comm. lines.

“I can’t believe you did that.  No, wait.  I can.” The dry tones of Prowl filtered across the comm. link.  Crosstalk had only been on Earth a few days, literally landing and making his way to what was now Autobot Headquarters on Earth.  Without even delving further into the comm. system, Crosstalk already knew who Prowl was talking to.  It was bound to be the ‘Twins’; Sunstreaker and Sideswipe.  He’d only met them briefly; time enough for Sunstreaker to turn his nose up (metaphorically) at Crosstalk’s alt-mode.  The only other Autobots he’d met didn’t give him the impression of causing trouble for the recently landed tactician.  Although admittedly he hadn’t had much change to indulge in one of his favourite pastimes.

However, while he was waiting for Ratchet to perform all the necessary tests the medic no doubt wanted to do, he could indulge in a little eavesdropping.  There were advantages to being in transmission.

“I can’t help it if you can’t catch me!”
“I can shoot your aft from a mile away youngling.”

Ah, Ironhide and Bumblebee.  The younger scout he remembered from Cybertron.  Ironhide, he’d only met.  Admittedly he’d seen more of Ironhide’s cannons than the mech himself.  Even with the earthen alt-mode, his frame still held the Seeker mode successfully, meaning that Ironhide’s instinctive reaction was to fire.  Crosstalk was rather glad that Ratchet’s reflexes were quicker.  He’d scanned Crosstalk and laid his hand on Ironhide’s arm before Crosstalk had even managed to stammer out that he was an Autobot.  Still, Ironhide seemed like a good sort, if not a little trigger-happy.

Footsteps echoed out in the corridor and Crosstalk’s instinct was to try and sit up.  He was stopped by a firm hand to his chest plates.
“You will lie back down and stay there until I tell you to move.” Ratchet’s voice was all authority and Crosstalk lay back down, not wanting to get on the medic’s bad side.
“That’s better.” Ratchet busied himself connecting wires and clips to Crosstalk’s frame, accessing his system data and spark frequency.  While Ratchet worked, Crosstalk tried not to think of the amount of time he’d spent in medbays back on Cybertron.
“Ratchet?”  Optics offline, Crosstalk could still distinguish the tonal qualities of Optimus Prime.
“Prime.”  Ratchet didn’t look up from his scans as the Autobot leader walked into the medbay.  He stood uneasily for a few moments before speaking again.
“How is he?”
“Functioning as well as can be expected.”
“So he will be able to work?”
“I’ll have Prowl draw up a duty roster for him.” Ratchet didn’t say anything, merely disconnecting the wires and tapping Crosstalk on the shoulder.
“You can sit up now.”  Crosstalk sat up carefully and nodded to Optimus Prime, slightly awed by the leader.
“Good to have you with us.” Prime held out one large hand expectantly.  Crosstalk simply stared at it.
“Shake it for frags sake or I’ll never get either of you out of here.”  Crosstalk turned his head to stare at the exasperated medic before holding out his hand.  Prime smiled awkwardly and grasped it.
“We have a lot to teach you about Earth Crosstalk.”
“I look forward to learning sir.”

Once released from the medbay, Crosstalk made his way to the new rec room, intent on refuelling.  He settled down in the corner of the room with some fuel, happy at last to be able to ‘bot watch’.

And I fail at writing anything long this month... I hope I haven't butchered his character... *hides*

story, crosstalk, poster: __wilderness__

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